A grand gala star-nite was organized at Hyderabad last week in which all leading luminaries of Tollywood and Kollywood were present in full strength. The musical nite was organized by Tollywood Artistes' Association to raise funds for the victims of the recent floods that had wreaked havoc in many hapless people in Andhra Pradesh.
Tamil superstars Rajnikanth and Kamal Haasan, besides actors Suriya, 'Chiyaan' Vikram and Vishal were present on the occasion to express their solidarity with the grieving people and with Tollywood's efforts to raise funds to help those victims. Suriya, Vishal and Vikram had reportedly made 'heavy' contributions to the fund. Vikram reportedly met Rosaiah, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, and contributed Rs.15.00 lakhs for the relief work.
The actors, whose films usually do well in Telugu, contributed liberally. The star-nite was the result of efforts made in this regard by Balakrishna. Now, Tollywood, has sent notices to those who skipped the event. Prominent among those on whom notices have been served are our own Sneha and Nayantara.
Sneha, who acts in all the South Indian languages, is said to be one the actresses who charge 'considerably' per film. Likewise, Nayantara is also one of the most sought-after actresses in Tollywood and obviously, her presence at the event was very much expected. Tollywood sources say that top stars are not amused by the absence of both Sneha and Nayantara.
It remains to be seen as to what would Sneha and Nayantara see in their respective replies to the 'show cause' notice and whether they would be spared or not by Tollywood!
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